Campus Climate

The University of California, a leading public research university system serving more than 290,000 undergraduate and graduate students and 227,000 faculty and staff, is committed to providing a safe, supportive, responsive and equitable campus environment. We strive to reflect the full diversity of the state we serve and work to ensure that everyone feels comfortable expressing their identity and values.

Our public service mission focuses on upholding freedom of expression, generating knowledge that improves lives, driving economic and social mobility, and fostering civic engagement. Those goals require that our campuses, classrooms, laboratories and offices be free from all forms of bias, bigotry, racism, discrimination and harassment. 

Our values guide a framework of inclusive policies, strong accountability systems, ongoing education and training and organizational structure, all intended to advance the University’s diversity mission and foster an inclusive and respectful community.

A Letter from President Michael V. Drake to the Community: Updates on UC Campus Climate Efforts

FAQs on Policies Impacting Expressive Activities

Promoting Civility and Ensuring Safety

Civility and mutual respect are central to academic excellence, safety, and a thriving campus community. The University of California fosters a supportive environment for all who study, teach, conduct research and work at UC through:

Fostering Inclusivity and Supporting Well-being

Affirming diverse identities and lived experiences from the full human spectrum — encompassing race, age, ethnicity, gender, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, socioeconomic status, ability, experience and more — makes for a community that reflects the richness and diversity of California itself. The University of California fosters an inclusive and supportive environment through:

Advancing Equity and Countering Discrimination

Through strong policies and procedures, the University seeks to prevent and respond to incidents of bias, hate, discrimination and harassment. Holding community members responsible when policies and state or federal laws are violated advances our commitment to equity, fosters a climate free of harassment and discrimination, and ensures accountability. We encourage every member of the University community to report suspected misconduct, including incidents of discrimination, harassment, bias and hate through a variety of resources and policies, including but not limited to:

Providing Education and Driving Innovation

The University strives for continuous improvement in creating a safe, inclusive, equitable, respectful environment through impactful education and innovative initiatives. The campus climates we aspire to sustain must be intentionally cultivated through a variety of means, including required trainings on preventing harassment and discrimination, educational programming and resources, community partnerships to expand access and foster belonging, and our continued efforts to advocate for free speech and civic engagement. Some of our key educational programs and partnerships include:

Reporting Intolerance

UC strives for a campus and a world free of discrimination, intolerance and hate. If you experience or observe behavior that is inconsistent with our Principles of Community and Principles Against Intolerance, please report it using UC's systemwide intolerance report form.

UC's Systemwide Intolerance Report Form

Annual Campus Notifications

Campus notification of existing law, policies, processes and resources related to free speech, free expression and student, faculty and staff safety prior to the start of the fall term.