Inclusive excellence to, through and beyond UC.

Academic excellence is fed by a plurality of ideas, experiences and perspectives. Founded with a promise to make higher education available to all California citizens, the University of California draws strength and definition from diversity.

Read more about diversity at UC


A systemwide commitment to diversity and equal opportunity

Affirming students from diverse backgrounds, improving access for students from historically underrepresented groups and cultivating respect for all community members: these represent UC’s core values.

Read more about diversity at UC


Systemwide, community and faculty diversity policies

All UC campuses are governed by standards and policies that address diversity at the systemwide, community and faculty levels.

View UC’s diversity policies

Two students in front of a colorfully painted wall


Expanding possibilities for students through advocacy and action

UC is rolling out systemwide initiatives to diversify its faculty, staff and student body; offer more anti-racist and implicit bias trainings; and create healthier climates at its ten campuses and other locations.

Read more about UC’s diversity initiatives


Annual Accountability Report

The UC Accountability Report is a comprehensive yearly assessment of the UC's progress in meeting key teaching, research and public service goals — including diversity — across its 10 campuses.


UC 2030 Dashboard

This dashboard tracks both systemwide goals and goals for individual campuses. These include the ambitious plan to achieve a 90 percent overall graduation rate and to eliminate gaps for Pell recipients, members of underrepresented groups and first-generation students.

View the UC 2030 Dashboard


Resources across the system

All 10 UC campuses, three national labs, and UC's Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources are responsible for integrating equity, diversity and inclusion practices into university life.

Visit UC campus and lab EDI websites

Student balancing stack of books in her arms


Updates on UC campus climate efforts

Read more systemwide diversity news and campus statements and learn of upcoming and archived diversity-related events and webinars.

View more news and events


For diversity-related questions or comments, contact GUEA or a campus vice chancellor or vice provost.

Contact us